Bloomberg Linea presents the 30 best restaurants to do business in Latin America. In a region with world-renowned cuisines, we list the top places where "things happen" for executives and entrepreneurs. Check out the options in Mexico City, Monterrey, Bogota, Lima, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires and Santiago.

Bloomberg Línea consulted with gourmands, Ciceros and sommeliers in the region to find out what points a restaurant should offer to attract the business community in each city:



Menu and wine list

Menu and wine list

Chef's ratings

Chef's ratings



Ad hoc premises (for groups or presentations)

Ad hoc premises (for groups or presentations)

Attractive mix (not so local, not so touristy or trendy)

Attractive mix (not so local, not so touristy or trendy)

Alternative options (vegan, gluten-free, etc)

Alternative options (vegan, gluten-free, etc)

With this in mind, and with attention to your senses, we present you with the best options to enjoy at the highest level and to be able to close and celebrate deals with partners and clients.