Marcos Galperin

Marcos Galperin

Argentina | CEO | Mercado Libre

September 17, 2023 | 07:05 PM

Marcos Galperin is the founder and CEO of MercadoLibre, whose valuation now exceeds US$50 billion, in a context in which its operations extend from Ushuaia to Tijuana. As the technology sector experiences a contraction, the company surprised by announcing that it would add 13,000 employees to its team across the region this year, bringing its total workforce to 53,000. Aiming to strengthen its position in the payments and credit segments, Mercado Libre announced investments totaling US$5 billion by 2023, after sales continued to rise in 2022, with revenues exceeding US$10.5 billion in 2022. In the first quarter of 2023, the e-commerce company experienced a year-on-year growth in net income of 58%, and its operating margin increased to 11.2%, compared to 6.2% in the previous year.

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