Arturo Solís (EN)
Energy Reporter
Cofece Fines Mexican Companies on Gas Price Manipulation under AMLO, Peña Nieto
The country’s Federal Economic Competition Commission issued a MXN$437 million fine on gasoline companies and executives for conspiring on fuel prices
Marco Verde obtiene medalla de plata para México en París tras perder final de boxeo
Marco Verde, boxeador olímpico originario de Mazatlán, compitió por el oro contra el peleador ubeskistaní Asadkhuja Muydinkhujaev
Exclusive: Mexican Regulator Will Have Final Word on Iberdrola, AMLO’s Billion-Dollar Deal
El regulador antimonopolio Cofece tiene que aprobar la venta de 13 plantas eléctricas de Iberdrola al Gobierno de México valuada en US$6.000 millones
Exclusive: Iberdrola’s Sale of Mexico Power Plants to Close In December
Banobras’ CEO Jorge Mendoza Sánchez tells Bloomberg Línea the financial vehicle to be used for the transaction will be a capital development certificate
Exclusive: Tesla Has Yet to Request Permits for Its Gigafactory In Mexico
The country’s energy regulatory commission (CRE) has yet to receive the paperwork from the electric car maker for its planned facility in Nuevo León state
Exclusive: Mexico’s Support for Pemex Unsustainable, S&P Global Says
In an interview with Bloomberg Línea, Omar de la Torre, director and head of analysis at S&P Global, says “something must be done structurally” going forward
Iberdrola’s Sale of Power Plants to Mexico’s Government Still Pending Authorization
The sale is expected to be completed by the end of this year, according to Raúl Martínez-Ostos, managing director of Barclays in Mexico
Mexico’s Dispute With Iberdrola Over Illegal Energy Sale Seen Dragging On
Sources tell Bloomberg Línea that the government-imposed fine of the Spanish company will not interfere with its $6-billion sale of electric power plants
Private Oil Companies Still Interested In Mexico, AMEXHI Says
Companies are still eyeing E&P opportunities in the country, despite opposition presidential candidate Xóchitl Gálvez saying in recent days that auctions are no longer attractive
Who Is Miguel Ángel Maciel, Mexico’s New Energy Minister?
The oil engineer and former under secretary for hydrocarbons will continue to pursue President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s energy policy, following the resignation of Rocío Nahle
Exclusive: Pemex Needs to Pay Its Own Debt to Improve Its Credit Rating, Says Moody’s
In an interview with Bloomberg Línea, Moody’s analyst Roxana Muñoz stated that Pemex needs stronger metrics than its current ones in order to improve its credit rating
Mexico’s CFE Restructures Debt to Use Savings to Meet Demand from Nearshoring
The state-owned utility aims to lessen its financing risks and improve its debt profile
Mexico’s Natural Gas Dependency, AMLO’s Energy Policy Seen as Risks to CFE’s Rating
Moody’s Investor Services sees Mexico’s state utility as also facing risks due to pension-related debt
Carlos Slim’s Oil Company Buys Stake in Talos Energy’s Mexican Subsidiary
The US-based oil company will receive $74.8 million in cash at the close of the transaction, with $49.9 million due upon first oil production
Mexico’s AMLO Proposes Paltry Budget for State-Owned Lithium-Mining Company
The government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is proposing a $550,000 budget for the company that will be in charge of planning lithium-extraction projects and alliances with the private sector
Mexico’s Maya Train Overtakes Dos Bocas Refinery as AMLO’s Costliest Project
The budget for the tourist train that circumnavigates the Yucatán peninsula has more than tripled the original $7.5-billion price tag, while the new oil refinery in Tabasco came in at a cost of $16 billion
Exclusive: Pemex to Refinance $3B In Revolving Credit to Complement Gov’t Funding
The government’s capital injection into the state-owned oil company are conditioned on Pemex cutting its expenditure this year and next
Exclusive: Chevron to Exit Mexico’s Oil E&P Sector
The US oil giant has returned the only area it had been awarded in the Gulf of Mexico in which it was carrying out oil and gas exploration
Mexico’s Dos Bocas Refinery Begins Fuel Production
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced the refinery in Tabasco will produce 290,000 barrels of fuel per day by year’s end, 14 months after it was completed
Xóchitl Gálvez Secures Presidential Candidacy for Mexican Opposition Coalition
Frente Amplio por México, the opposition coalition, has selected the flag bearer who will compete against Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Morena party candidate in the 2024 elections
Why Is the Mexican Peso Getting Stronger in 2023?
Mexico’s currency has been appreciating consistently since mid-2020, making it one of the strongest among emerging markets over the last three years
Mexico’s Pemex Resumes Super-Light Crude Oil Exports After Six-Year Pause
Mexico’s state-owned oil company exported 48,000 barrels per day of the Olmeca variety of crude during July