Cotización BRIT3 Bloomberg Línea
Brisanet Participacoes SA
Noticias de BRIT3
Vero Hones in on Growth in Brazil with Backing from Vinci Partners
Fabiano Ferreira, CEO of the telecom company that has Vinci as its largest shareholder, discussed the industry’s ongoing consolidation and the potential for M&A activity in Brazil
The Market Made These Brazilians Billionaires, Now the Crash Leaves Them With Millions
In one year, controlling executives of Brazilian listed companies had their net worth reduced by up to 90% due to the devaluation of their shares
2022 Is a Ghost Year for Brazil’s IPO Market with Zero Deals
The South American nation is heading for its first half-year without any deals since 2016 — when then-President Dilma Rousseff was facing an impeachment trial and the country grappled with a record recession.
Seca de IPOs brasileiros traz 1º semestre mais fraco desde 2016
Nenhuma empresa brasileira abriu capital neste ano até 20 de junho, contra 29 transações que levantaram US$ 6,9 bi no mesmo período no ano passado
En qué invertir en Argentina tras el regreso a la presidencia de Donald Trump
Los analistas y traders evalúan cuáles serán las áreas con mayor potencial de crecimiento con las políticas del nuevo mandatario estadounidense